meet our 2022 speakers
Debbie Reynolds
Director of Techworks, Commonwealth Charter Academy
Debbie is the Director of TechWorks, with Commonwealth Charter Academy – Pennsylvania’s largest public K-12 charter school. In her role, she is working to expand and further develop programs and student engagement opportunities, and to create partnerships that connect the tech and manufacturing industries with K-12 education. Previously, Debbie served as a Gifted Coordinator and Middle School STEM Specialist for the Baldwin Whitehall School District in Pittsburgh PA. In the 2019-2020 school year, Debbie served as the first-ever Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow placed in the DoD, where she worked at the Naval Surface Warfare Center – Carderock Division in the STEM and Outreach Office. Debbie is a veteran teacher of over 25 years and has taught in Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania. She was selected as the Middle Level Educator of the year for the Carnegie Science Awards in 2019, PAECT Educator of the Year in 2020, and the TRETC Innovation in Education Award for Administrators in 2021.